"Advancement is only one part of a scout's journey as he matures into a confident, well rounded man. The only deadline in the whole advancement process is for Eagle Rank by his 18th birthday. We encourage scouts to complete Eagle prior to their senior year of high school so that they can use this great achievement on college applications. Scouts will gain the most from the advancement process if they know it is their responsibility and if they are allowed to advance at their own pace."
Scout advancements for each rank are earned by performing the activities outlined in the Scout Handbook and by obtaining the proper signatures. Advancement is the responsibility of each individual Scout. Troop activities will present opportunities to meet many advancement requirements. Therefore, it is very important for the Scout to bring his scout book to all Troop meetings, patrol meetings and troop events.
The requirements for the ranks of Tenderfoot through First Class prepare the Scout to take full advantage of all that Scouting has to offer. Star, Life, and Eagle requirements focus on service to others and developing leadership skills. As the Scout completes each requirement, he will be tested and signed off in the back section of his Scout handbook. Rank advancement may be signed off by the Scoutmaster, an Assistant Scoutmaster, a Troop Committee Member or an authorized scout (one who is part of the LC). In Boy Scouts, troop leaders, rather than parents, sign off advancement requirements. In order to avoid the appearance of impropriety, in most troops, troop leaders will not normally sign off rank requirements for their own sons. Infrequent exceptions may be made in the case of a leader who is teaching skills to several Scouts at once at a patrol or troop meeting or other Scouting function, but every effort should be made to have another leader sign off the instructing leader’s sons if possible.
Record Keeping- The Scout will receive three kinds of documents they need to KEEP IN A SAFE PLACE AT ALL TIMES. These documents are:
1. The Scout Handbook with requirements signed off
2. The Scout’s portion of completed blue merit badge cards and wallet-sized certificate cards for merit badges and,
3. The wallet-sized certificate cards for rank advancement
Most scouts store these items conveniently in sleeves that are made for baseball cards, and then put into their scrapbook.

Tenderfoot -- Second Class -- First Class -- Star -- Life
Remember to bring your scout book, 10 essentials, name plaque, memory book, a length of rope, a topographical map with your growth agreement!
Rank Requirements, straight from the book:
Remember to bring your scout book, 10 essentials, name plaque, memory book, a length of rope, a topographical map with your growth agreement!
Rank Requirements, straight from the book:
- Boy Scout Joining Requirements
- Tenderfoot Rank Requirements
- Second Class Rank Requirements
- First Class Rank Requirements
- Star Rank Requirements
- Life Rank Requirements
- Eagle Rank Requirements
- Eagle Palms