One of the most important aspects of scouting is the opportunity for boys to mature as they assume positions of responsibility, and learn leadership skills that will last a lifetime. Troop 1 offers a variety of leadership positions that each serve a specific function that is essential to the success of the entire troop.
The leadership trail can begin for some scouts as early as seventh grade, where we truly encourage them to look into leadership positions. Primarily, we encourage each scout to consult the Senior Patrol Leader, or another experienced scout who should help guide them in finding a leadership position that is most appropriate. For additional information on each leadership requirement, however, you can click on the corresponding link below for a document that explains the Troop 1 expectations for each leadership position.
Be sure to read the "Expectations for all Leadership Positions"!
Expectations for All Leadership Positions
How to Lead a Meeting
Senior Patrol Leader
Patrol Leader
Troop Guide
Chaplain Aide
Leave No Trace Trainer
The leadership trail can begin for some scouts as early as seventh grade, where we truly encourage them to look into leadership positions. Primarily, we encourage each scout to consult the Senior Patrol Leader, or another experienced scout who should help guide them in finding a leadership position that is most appropriate. For additional information on each leadership requirement, however, you can click on the corresponding link below for a document that explains the Troop 1 expectations for each leadership position.
Be sure to read the "Expectations for all Leadership Positions"!
Expectations for All Leadership Positions
How to Lead a Meeting
Senior Patrol Leader
Patrol Leader
Troop Guide
Chaplain Aide
Leave No Trace Trainer